Team Spotlight: Getting to Know OTL’s Vice President of Business Development, Barry Caylor
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While OTL is known throughout the USA and internationally for designing and building magnificent water features, rockwork and themed environments, our company’s true foundation is our people.
OTL simply would not be the same without our truly talented, dedicated, and caring team. In the coming issues of our newsletter, we will be spotlighting team members who contribute to the success of our company.
First up is OTL’s Vice President of Business Development, Barry Caylor. A 30-plus-year water feature industry veteran, Barry joined the firm in January 2020 to manage OTL’s ongoing international expansion. In the short time he has been a member of our team, Barry has been instrumental in guiding the continued growth of the company to new heights.
Here are a few of Barry’s perspectives on his career, the amenities industry, and OTL:
Career summary: I’ve spent my career in this business developing relationships, educating and servicing clients. My focus has been in the design, engineering, and construction of commercial water features, irrigation pumping systems, water-transfer pumping systems, and lake/pond management systems. Prior to joining OTL, I served as executive vice president of business development for Greenscape Pump Services, Inc. (GSPI), and before that I had worked in the irrigation industry for over 10 years. During my time at GSPI, I developed a methodical process for managing projects from the earliest stages through design and construction, remaining engaged through startup and calibration. I also consulted on projects in the discovery phase and guided Clients to ensure their projects were both constructible and cost effective. To continue to do what I love with a progressive company like OTL is icing on the retirement cake.
Fun fact about Barry: For nine years in my mid-20s to mid-30s, I participated in a rodeo event called team roping. I’d wanted a horse since I was four years old, though it wasn’t practical because my father was in the military and we lived abroad. Once I was married, I bought a horse from a gentleman in Bryan, Texas, in 1982 who trains roping horses, and for the next 9 years I went all-in on team roping: horse, trailer, tack, and dress. The event involves two guys on horses roping a steer for time – the header ropes the horns, and heeler ropes hind legs. I was a heeler. Not many people reading this would know that about me!
Trends in the CRE amenities industry: There’s a growing trend toward investment, both domestically and internationally, in “wow factor” amenities. Within these amenities, interactivity is key. An example of this is the special-effects show fountain OTL recently completed near the $250 million Texas Live! development in Arlington, Texas. The fountain features bold special effects to deliver a thrilling show that integrates with its entertainment-driven surroundings – giving guests a true spectacle.
Aspirations for the future: I was hired to grow our company’s business, and I look forward to continuing to do just that. It’s an incredible opportunity to be a part of the growth of a company that is so well-respected in the water feature industry, so forward-thinking, and so innovative. To help shape what that growth looks like for OTL and to then put a plan to action is a challenge, exciting, and rewarding.
Stay tuned for Spotlights featuring more of OTL’s outstanding team members.
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